Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Altruism and Service Learning

 Good ideas are common ---what is uncommon is people who will work hard enough 
to bring them about.    Buddha

SERVICE LEARNING is a type of learning tool to empower you to implement solutions to problems in your own community, or even globally.  It is a student-centered process where you learn about a particular issue, place, or problem, then figure out how to take action in a positive way.  Then, you actually do it!  You do the research and take action to help solve the problem or educate others on how they can help. 

ALTRUISM is defined as the belief or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others.  It simply means caring about the well-being of people without expecting anything in return.  There are three basic components of altruistic behavior:
             1.  Perceiving the need of another person
             2.  Being motivated by empathy to help the other person
             3.  Addressing the need by taking action without expecting a reward or recognition in return

Many people believe that it is in our human nature to care about the well-being of others.  Others believe that all human beings are 100% self-interested.  In other words, even if someone helps another, they are doing it for their own interest and essentially for the wrong reasons.

Do you agree or disagree that all human beings are 100% self-interested in that we only care about ourselves?  Why or why not? 

Check out the link under the side bar from Psychology Today.  Take the online quiz on Egoism/Altruism and comment on what you have learned about yourself.


  1. The quiz I took was exactly correct, I was right in the middle. I kind of think I should get something in return but I like to help people at the same time.

  2. I think the score reflects how I am and how people see me as and I think the quiz is pretty accurate.-Brendon Farrissey

  3. Danielle Cote
    I agree but I also disagree because sometimes people would love helping people who need help or just need one simple favor done, but others just think its a waist of time to help a person in need and they will make up excuses on not to help a person. It depends on the person and there morals.

    -I took the test and I got an 83, because I like to help people, like little old ladies or children or people who need direction. I like the warm fuzzy feeling at the end of the day when I do my good deed for someone who needs help.

  4. The quiz score I got was right because I like to help people and don't care if I get anything in return. Yes, everyone is different. Some people only do stuff if they will get something in return, but some don't.

    1. The score I got was 100% true I help others and Do great deeds.
      By Osman Mohamed

  5. I got a 91. I'd say it was a pretty accurate score in my opinion. I live to help people plain and simple.
    -Alex Lally

  6. I scored a 74, I try my best to help out. But sometimes I get a little nervous about what I do and end up asking for help. - Matt Larimer

  7. I got a 62 . I go out of my may some times to help people but other time I gust ignore what is going on.
    -Jeff Clark

  8. I thought my score would be higher!
    -Kelly Callahan
